Flesh Of Horses & Vampyric Arse - Fungal Remains On Castle Walls (Split) (Placenta Recordings + Nekhorosho Records 2019)
ORDER THE LIMITED EDITION DOUBLE CD SET (ONLY 10 COPIES AVAILABLE) + DOWNLOAD + STREAM HERE: https://placentarecordings.bandcamp.com/album/flesh-of-horses-vampyric-arse-fungal-remains-on-castle-walls-split-placenta-recordings-nekhorosho-records-2019
Double album, 2x CD set co-released with cranium vaporizing alien thugs on the outskirts of the industrial slums deep within Rostov On-Don, Russia, none other than Nekhorosho Records...CDs ship from a seaside port and will arrive to your country in crates of caviar...
Blood soaked runes, prunes, and jagged ice lined shores. Snake shaped boats shipwrecked, coat of arms overgrown with mold. The stench of Vled's arse torn to shreds in burning beds in dungeons unbeknownst to man's maps.Shit in a chalice for priests to gorge while Pagan warriors smear blood and fire across plague ridden lands...
Blodvippede runer, svisker og hakkede iskledde kyster. Snakeformede båter skibbrudd, våpenskjold overgrodd med mugg. Stanken av Vleds rumpe revet i brennende senger i fangehuller som ikke er kjent for mannens kart. Sluk i en kaliber for prester til kløften mens hedenske krigere smeder blod og brann over plyndrepede landområder
Des runes imbibées de sang, des pruneaux et des rivages déchiquetés de glace. Des bateaux en forme de serpent font naufrage, les armoiries envahies par la moisissure. La puanteur du cul de Vled déchiré en lambeaux dans des lits en flammes dans des cachots à l'insu de la carte de l'homme.
Пропитанные кровью руны, чернослив и изрезанные льдом берега. Лодки в форме змеи потерпели крушение, герб зарос с плесенью. Зловоние задницы Вледа, разорванное в клочья в горящих кроватях в темницах, неведомых человеческим картам. Битва в чаше для священников, чтобы сожрать, в то время как языческие воины разливают кровь и огонь по землям, пораженным чумой
Released February 24, 2019
Flesh Of Horses is from Molde, Norway
Vampyric Arse is from Carcassonne, France
The two bands were able to meet for a week long ritual session in the Vatican City, where psilocybin was ingested and these rites were forged.
Contact: placentarecordings@gmail.com
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