Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Lo​-​Fi Terrorist - Requiem For A Pothead (Placenta Recordings #346 - 2015)

Lo​-​Fi Terrorist - Requiem For A Pothead (Placenta Recordings #346 - 2015)

Very odd Dutch music. "Requiem For A Pothead" by Lo-Fi Terrorist out now on Placenta Recordings! 

"I would like to attract your attention to the lo-fi terrorist from the Netherlands. I think he is a post-lo-fi sound artist. At least that's what I would like to call him. His songs are like skeletons for songs, or for vision or thoughts. Every show he does is different. He uses loops and soundscapes and sings over them to create surrealism and emotional layers. He is Inspired by hipsterism, cartoons and popular media outings like Jersey Shore. Maybe you should check this guy out and give him some attention. He is like a cult-hero in the Netherlands, I think he should be heard." - Jonas Dorfseinner. Pitchfork Netherlands 

Lo-Fi Terrorist: 


INTERNET: placentarecordings@gmail.com 
REAL LIFE: Placenta Recordings P.O. Box 442187 Detroit, MI 48244 

OFFICIAL DOWNLOADS: placentarecordings.bandcamp.com 

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